A curriculum is a comprehensive plan that outlines the educational content a school or educator intends to cover over a specified period.
This blueprint or curriculum encompasses not just the subjects or academic disciplines to be taught, but also the learning objectives, the teaching methodologies to be employed, the resources needed, the environment, and the assessment methods to evaluate student progress and mastery of the content. It serves as a roadmap for educators, guiding them in delivering a structured and meaningful learning experience to students.
Does our curriculum embody the human spirit, does it embody an Islamic ethos?
We view Islam as a comprehensive way of life, with its principles permeating every aspect of our existence. Therefore, we start by adopting an Islamic perspective for all subjects. This perspective serves as the foundation that shapes our thoughts and subsequent actions.
Within the Islamic worldview, we recognize Allah as the Creator of all, the Unifier of creation, knowledge, and truth. This outlook guides our choices in curriculum, teaching methods, learning goals, and the learning environment.
It represents a comprehensive approach that blends Western educational norms with Islamic pedagogical principles and inshaAllah (GOD Willing) prepare students for their purpose within their environments and the contexts in which they have been entrusted by Allah ﷻ – serving GOD through serving His creation.
What is Pedagogy?
Pedagogy is the art and science of teaching. It includes instructional strategies, methods, and techniques used to facilitate learning for individuals or groups. In an Islamic worldview, pedagogy is rooted in the understanding that Allah ﷻ has blessed us with intellect and thus the pursuit of knowledge is a religious duty.
This belief shapes our approach to education – it is not just about imparting knowledge, but it is also about nurturing the heart and soul of the student.
This means that our pedagogy is centered around creating a learning environment that encourages critical thinking, fosters curiosity, promotes collaboration and instills moral values. It involves using teaching methods that are inclusive, engaging, relevant and meaningful for students in their diverse contexts.
What is Islam?
Islam is a monotheistic Abrahamic faith revealed to humanity through the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), who is the final messenger in a long line of prophets. It encompasses a comprehensive way of life, based on the Quran and the Sunnah (the practices of the Prophet Muhammad “peace be upon him”). The core belief of Islam centers around the Oneness of GOD (Allah), with Muslims dedicating their lives to the worship of Allah and following His commandments. Islam’s teachings guide every aspect of a believer’s life, from moral and ethical conduct to social and financial dealings, aiming to foster a balanced, just, and harmonious society.
What is Islamic Pedagogy?
Pedagogy is the methods and approaches used to convey knowledge and it is shaped by a worldview. Pedagogy, as discussed by Shaykh Ramzy Ajem and Dr. Nadeem Memon in their manual for teachers, “Principles of Islamic Pedagogy”, highlights that conventional teaching methods may sometimes conflict with Islamic pedagogical principles when adopted by Muslim educators.
An Islamic pedagogy or Islamic teaching methodology should therefore be rooted in Tawhid. It should align with the goals, purposes, and ethics in Revelation, reflect an Islamic ethos, enhance the student’s intellect, faith, morals, character, and the practice of religious and worldly responsibilities.
An Example of Islamic Pedagogical Principles in Practice
Students often complain about how bored they are in class. As educators, it should not be dismissed lightly as boredom interferes with learning and may cause the child to disengage from the learning process. Boredom often stems from extremities in scheduling and subjects lacking relevance to one’s life.
One of the principles of Islamic pedagogy is to nurture reflection, awe, and wonder while teaching. The Prophet ﷺ said, “Verily, I was sent as a teacher“, and Abdullah ibn Mas’ud narrated that, “The Prophet ﷺ used to be selective in bestowing his teachings upon us out of fear that we would become bored.” [Imam Bukhari]. Imagine becoming bored with the Messenger of Allah ﷺ!
Ibn Hajar al-‘Asqalani commented that, “it is recommended to break the continuity of intensity when it comes to acts of righteousness out of fear that it may lead to boredom”. The main source of boredom is lack of relevance, this is countered by reflection, and reflection is encouraged throughout the Qur’an (Ajem & Memon, 2011).
What Western Educational Practices?

At Zaytech Academy we will be using a Classically-inspired educational approach as it aligns well with an Islamic worldview. Especially when it comes to the nature of knowledge and to the nature of the Muslim child. In both Classical and Islamic worldviews, all knowledge is interconnected, serving as a pathway to knowing Allah ﷻ, to Tawhid, to the Unity of Allah, to the Unity of His creations and to the Unity of truth and knowledge. This means that subjects like Astronomy are not studied in isolation, but are taught alongside history and scientific philosophy. This holistic approach provides students with a comprehensive understanding, guiding them towards recognizing the unity of Allah ﷻ.
This method also centers around the Muslim child, taking into account their innate characteristics, such as their fitra. This concept emphasizes that the Muslim student is born in a pure state, without sin, possesses an inherent consciousness of Allah ﷻ, a natural inclination towards goodness, and a keen interest in knowing and learning. We view the child as a seeker of knowledge, seeing education as a collaborative process of teaching and learning, aiming to draw out knowledge, rather than simply imparting it to the child.
Islamic Studies
Qur’anic Studies
The Qur’an is the most read, reread, and memorized book on earth. For Muslims, it is considered to be the Word of God, revealed to Prophet Muhammad ﷺ by Archangel Jibr’il (عليه السلام) over 23 years. It descended from a timeless reality known in the Qur’an [85:22] as the Preserved Tablet (al-Lawh al-Mahfuz). This distinct Divine Authorship distinguishes the Qur’an from other texts, and this is evident in its language, structure, recitation, layers of meaning, and the sacred arrangement of Arabic letters within it.
The Qur’an, for Muslims, is a book of knowledge (‘ilm), that contains the roots of all true knowledge. It explains the secret of human existence and answers questions that no human being can answer. This book tells what Mankind is, who Allah is ﷻ, and what He ﷻ expects of Mankind. It reminds us of the past outcomes for believers and non-believers.
What happens when wealth and power supersede ethics and morality and we destroy the habitat beneath our feet. Thus, Islamic civilization aims to reflect the Qur’an, with ‘ilm (knowledge) being one of its most defining features. The various Islamic disciplines like jurisprudence (fiqh), theology, philosophy, spirituality, rhetoric, astronomy, and medicine all have their roots in the Qur’an.
The Qur’anic message not only laid the groundwork for the Islamic sciences, it also served as the foundation for the development of the Islamic arts. Islamic arts, such as craft traditions, calligraphy, ornamental design, and architecture, found their principles and inspiration in the core teachings of the Qur’an.
The concept of Tawhid, highlighting the oneness of Allah ﷻ, steered Muslim artistic expression towards the language of patterns, rhythm, mathematical precision, and geometric motifs rather than depicting figures. This approach inspired remarkable poetry, calligraphy, and intricate designs, with minimal emphasis on figurative art and a scarcity of sculpture in Islamic civilizations. The Qur’an is where all exploration of Islamic topics should originate. It is with the Qur’an that all inquiries into things Islamic must begin.
“Say: The Purest Angelic Spirit has brought it down from your Lord with supreme due wisdom and purpose, to make solidly firm those who believe, and as incomparable guidance and joyous tiding to all those who submit in faith.” (Qur’an 16:102)
(Qur’an 16:102)
Practical Living
Prophetic History
Character Refinement
Language Arts
Language is the articulation of thoughts through words, whether spoken or written. When Allah ﷻ mentions that He ﷻ taught Adam (عليه السلام) all the names of everything, it is often understood as Adam (عليه السلام) learning the words and phrases that describe concepts or meanings comprehensively. One of the main goals of Language Arts within an Islamic worldview Dr. Fredda Shamma states, is to recognize language as a divine gift from Allah ﷻ. Its purpose is to convey truth, beauty, and promote goodness. Additionally, it serves as a tool to cultivate Allah-consciousness in students through written and verbal expression as well as literature.
As such, the materials and resources used for teaching students how to read, and why to read at Zaytech Academy will reflect this Tawhidic principle. These materials will also reflect the moral and ethical values of Islam, ensuring a balanced selection of literary works that are inclusive and diverse. Drawing from Islamic, Western, and Eastern traditions, the resources aim to provide a holistic educational experience. Our Language Arts program will follow a classical model that is both systematic and rigorous. Through rigorous study, students develop virtue. A virtuous person has the ability to choose what they know to be right, even when it goes against their inclinations.
So, rather than thinking about ‘Language Arts’ as one complete program, we will think of it as four different subjects:
And He taught Adam all the names (of everything)
(Qur’an 2:31)
We will be using the McGuffey Series (or Swords & Butterfly) for all grade levels.
Spelling and/or Vocabulary
It is He who made the sun a shining light and the moon a derived light and made for it phases – that you may know the number of years and account of time. Allah has not created this except with supreme due purpose. He details the signs for a people who reason.
(Qur’an 10:5)
Reflecting on the reality that all knowledge comes from Allah ﷻ, and directs us towards the Unity of Allah ﷻ, the concept of numbers, in their unity, feels intuitive to us. Islam emphasizes the importance of rational thought, logic, learning, seeking knowledge, and studying nature as evidence of Allah’s ﷻ creation and power.
Thus, we understand our existence within time and space, perceiving order and purpose in everything around us, placing things in their proper place. Just as the stars mark time more accurately than clocks and crystals reveal geometry, mathematics is recognized as the language of logic and reason. For Allah ﷻ says, “Thus do We explain the signs for a people who use reason” (Qur’an 30:28).
At Zaytech Academy, students are urged to draw such parallels to enhance their wisdom and understanding.
Like mathematicians such as Khwarizmi, al-Karaji, Ibn al-Shatir and so on did, who did not discover mathematical truths in a vacuum or only through what they could measure, but rather it was their Tawhidic understanding of the world that led them to certain truths and discoveries, oftentimes creating new knowledge and mathematical tools.
Using this method, the textbook serves as a rigorous foundation to further learning and is seen as the beginning, not the totality. The goal is to give students a deeper understanding and appreciation for mathematics, seeing it as a discipline that requires creativity. Allowing the student to experience the wonder at a brilliant theorem or feeling the beauty of truths expressed in numbers. Encouraging students to pursue not only goodness and truth, but also beauty. Indeed, Allah ﷻ loves beauty.
Main Math Curriculum
We will be using Singapore Math Dimensions for all grade levels.
Supplemental Curriculum
Life of Fred
The supplemental curriculum will focus more on the principles behind the math and how all knowledge is interrelated and not independent of one another as they are often presented. A holistic approach.
So do they not look at the water-slaked camels, how they have been created? And at the sky, how it has been uplifted towering above? And at the mountains, how they have been set solidly straight up? And at the earth, how it has been spread evenly out?
(Qur’an 88: 17-20)
Students frequently ask innocent yet challenging questions, like “Why is light ‘white’?” or “How was the earth formed?” When we attempt to explain these natural occurrences to our students, we may on occasion miss the mark. While science provides explanations for numerous natural events, exclusively depending on scientific explanations could result in neglecting the teachings of our Prophet ﷺ and at times diminishing the Majesty of Allah ﷻ in our comprehension of the universe and our existence.
The command to “Read” entails listening and interpreting both the verses of the Qur’an and the signs in the universe, all of which demand intellectual effort. We want our students to think about the methodology a Muslim would use to contemplate about and resolve a scientific problem.
Frequently, students and the general public tend to treat all scientific statements or assertions as being true without considering their interdependence. From an Islamic perspective, religion and science are not independent of one another. Many scholars who made significant scientific breakthroughs were well-versed in religious studies or held strong Islamic beliefs. For instance, Ibn al-Nafis (1213-1288 CE), who uncovered pulmonary blood circulation, was a practicing Shafi’ lawyer. Similarly, Ibn al-Shatir (1304-1375 CE), whose work influenced Copernicus, served as a timekeeper at the Umayyad mosque in Damascus.
Even scholars not known for their religious expertise were polymaths and often began their works by praising Allah ﷻ and the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ, such as al-Khwarizmi in his algebra book. Their Islamic worldview guided them to discovering scientific truths.
At Zaytech Academy we want to develop our students’ confidence with science by encouraging them to question the deliverables of science. We want to foster a cohesive approach to studying science by incorporating history and literature studies into the curriculum.
Our science curriculum will follow a four-year cycle that aligns with the historical periods of scientific exploration. The cycle commences with biology, classification, and the human body – topics familiar to ancient scholars. It then progresses to earth science and basic astronomy, which thrived during the medieval Muslim world and influenced Renaissance Europe. Subsequently, students will delve into chemistry, exploring the transformative contributions of figures like Jabir (Geber), Al Kindi (Alkindus), Al Razi (Rhazes), and Ibn Sina (Avicenna), who revolutionized chemistry from alchemy to a scientific field during the early modern era. Finally, the curriculum covers physics and computer science, which are considered contemporary subjects. The complexity and breadth of the subjects expand as students advance, reflecting their increasing maturity and knowledge.
Main Science Curriculum
We will be using the Elemental Science Classic Series for all grade levels.
Supplemental Curriculum
1001 Inventions: The Enduring Legacy of Muslim Civilization
O mankind: Verily We created you of a single male and female, and but made you peoples and major tribes to know and appreciate your own kindred ties with each other: Verily the greatest of you all in the sight of Allah is the most godfearing of you.
(Qur’an 49: 13)
History & Social Studies
The central concept in History and Social Studies focuses on the Unity of Allah ﷻ, the Creator of all things, and emphasizing the importance of understanding past outcomes for believers and non-believers. The Qur’an highlights the decline of civilizations when wealth and power supersede ethics and morality, emphasizing that true success in both this life and the afterlife is attributed to being conscious of Allah ﷻ.
To properly study history, other social sciences such as geography and sociology are incorporated. History covers various aspects like the creation of the universe, biographies, kingdoms, societal narratives, calendars, and economies. It is crucial to teach history in its proper chronological context. Few students today would equate Ramses II as the Fir’awn of Musa (may Allah ﷻ be pleased with him). Additionally, while history is commonly depicted as a linear progression from primitive to advanced civilizations, culminating in European and Western societies, an Islamic perspective views it as cyclical – from rightly guided to misguided to rightly guided.
This Tawhidic perspective greatly influenced Ibn Khaldun’s innovative approach to historical writing. Unlike historians before him, such as Herodotus who mainly recorded events, Ibn Khaldun, known as the “Father of Sociology”, aimed to analyze the formation, decline, and fall of societies. Amid the turbulent 14th century, he experienced significant historical events like the rise of new states, the fall of Muslim Andalus, the Christian reconquest, and the Black Death pandemic that claimed his parents. Ibn Khaldun believed that the key to counteracting the natural decay of nations lay in belief in Allah ﷻ.
At Zaytech Academy, our history and social studies curriculum will follow a four-year cycle from grades 1 to 8. Students will delve into the Ancients, Middle Ages, Early Modern Times, and Modern Times twice during this period. Aligned with the Tawhidic principle that emphasizes the interconnectedness of all knowledge and the Unity of Allah ﷻ, students will explore these historical eras with increasing depth as they progress from grades 1 to 8. Moreover, subjects such as math, science, language arts, Qur’an, and Seerah are integrated with history. This comprehensive approach is designed to offer students a well-rounded education that fosters a holistic worldview.
Main History Curriculum
We will be using Lote Tree Learning: History Connections for all grade levels.
Supplemental Curriculum
A Child’s History of the World for grades 1-4 and Curiosity Chronicles for grades 5-8.
Physical Education
Abu Huraira reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “The strong believer is more beloved to Allah than the weak believer, but there is goodness in both of them.”
Visual Arts & Crafts
Practical Arts
Shop, Accounting, Sewing and other Fabric/Yarn Arts, Technology, Keyboarding, Cooking, Gardening
Informal & Formal
Foreign Language